
Bad Behavior

  bad behavior mean (NOT NICE) disrespects, disrespectful demands respect for themselves uncouth uncultured lacks class ghetto acting loud coarse vulgar raw no filter on mouth nasty words fall out of mouth with no self control doesn't use euphemisms, does not say things in a nice way unpolished undesirable superficial flashy arrogant rude impatient expects things immediately, fast, quick critical of others, not themselves pushy selfish me-first shoves others out of the way drives too fast like a maniac yells cusses screams at other drivers on the road as if they own all the streets and can tell others what to do  egotistical know it all won't listen to anyone common plain personal friends relations family spouse wife husband threatens humiliates uses negative words  embarasses others  vain  cocky whines  complains bitches moans name calling calls other negative bad names like stupid fool idiot jerk when they are the ones being a jack ass themselves uncooperative fixed inflexibl
 M H b Arielle  olman h  arnes b mary e Mary k marielle holman barnes  MHB rails alias nick she uses for ebay Amazon and probably many other stores places online or in person Mice and rats don't bother her. I scream when I see them, get upset when I hear them rattling around. She says it's no big deal just get mouse traps or buckets Sniffs out those of status and people she thinks have money and/or are famous Too good to do "mundane" things yet knows how to do them Fancy cleaning equipment owned but doesn't use it Fancy stuff owned attracted to frills equates this with value and importance Gets on ebay. Buys the heck out of stuff. BUYER primarily. Hates to sell. Shipments of tons of packages she orders Thinks she's the boss of everything and everyone  Queenbee bosses me around  Believes she has balls testicles Angry and encourages anger in others Need to be respected admired desired and adored not met so disp.ays arrogance faux intelligence knowledge credentia
Liz Elizabeth Bozarth died age had to have her "pop" each day. mixed with pastries/bakery goods, candy bars processed foods, lots of noodles doughnuts, cookies Gilbert J Wilson Sr died 75 lung cancer ice cream, ate 1/2 gallon in one sitting  overate, drank at night  Pancakes syrup with eggs, a favorite dish ate 1 day before death Ruth L Dringman Wilson Foust died age 64 suddenly without warning instant tea with sugar, pepsi cola daily candy bars, sugary sweets, lots of snack "junk" food : potato chips, pretzels, IRENE ROGERS still alive born June   cakes, pies, cookies, chocolates, candy,